Lisa maurer college park high school

  • Lisa maurer college park high school
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    This nun coaches college football. See her ‘four plays for a good life.’

    At five foot two, Sister Lisa Maurer is a larger-than-life figure for the student athletes that tower above her on the football field.

    Lisa maurer college park high school

  • Lisa maurer college park high school averill park ny
  • Lisa maurer college park high school cedar park tx
  • College park high school texas
  • Lisa maurer college park high school brandywine maryland
  • Although the sight of a nun passionately coaching on the sidelines might come as a surprise to most, she is a beloved and trusted figure for her team, for The College of St. Scholastica and for the entire Diocese of Duluth in northeast Minnesota.

    The double vocations naturally go hand in hand for the Minnesota-born sister whose father coached the same sport.

    Sister Lisa was working professionally as a teacher and coach of volleyball, basketball and softball in her hometown of Sleepy Eye when she began to discern a new path in life.

    It was not long after she joined her religious community, the Benedictine Sisters of the St.

    Scholastica Monastery, that she began attending the football practices and games at the college.

    This community of Benedictine mon