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1. Hypertheatre (from ancient Greek: hyper, e.g. «over», «more than», «enhanced», «extremely») reaches beyond the usual, conventional, expected, and perhaps even sustainable boundaries of not only theatre as such, but even the notion of art itself – and yet, still firmly on the basis of and fuelled by the most basic and eternal principles, methods and creative processes of The Theatre.
Hypertheatre is transdisciplinary and multitasking in form – in principle, similar to hyperthreading which enables computers to perform many tasks at once. It is hypertextual in content – in principle, similar to any HTML text with hyperlinks to other texts, articles, webpages, videos etc.
Morten traavik biography of albert
3. Hypertheatre’s arenas and stages include, but are not in any way limited to, the black boxes of theatre venues or white cubes of art galleries. To the extent that it makes use of these arty-ficial spaces, it is as showcases for the rehearsed and reproduceable parts and levels (if any) of the Big