Life history of sheikh saadi rehmatullah

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    Life history of sheikh saadi rehmatullah al

    Saadi - biography and work of the poet and thinker

    Saadi is a Persian thinker, poet and writer, a representative of practical Sufism (one of the main directions of classical Islamic philosophy). His real name is Muslihaddin Abu Muhammad Abdallah ibn Mushrifaddi.

    Saadi was probably born in 1181 in Shiraz. His nickname came from the atabek of Fars Saad ibn Zangi, at whose court the poet’s father served in the period from 1195 to 1226. Saadi’s father died early, and his overlord took custody of the child.

    Life history of sheikh saadi rehmatullah

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  • In gratitude to his patron, the poet began to sign all his poems with the pseudonym Saadi.

    While studying at the Nizamiya Theological Academy in Baghdad, Saadi sincerely tried to comprehend the ascetic ideals of the Sufi sheikhs.

    But the poems written by the young poet in that period (mid-1220s) were filled with love for life and the joys that it carries. Most of all, he loved music, which he repeatedly admitted even in his old age.

    In 1226, as a result of the Mo